Electricity Market Data
ERE në zbatim të Ligjit 43/2015 “PËR SEKTORIN E ENERGJISË ELEKTRIKE”, më konkretisht Neni 19, gërma k), publikon në faqen e internetit të dhëna katërmujore për funksionimin e tregut të energjisë elektrike.
Për sa cituar më sipër kemi pregatitur një formë raportimi të dhënash si me poshte:
Te Dhenat e tre 4-mujoreve te vitit 2015
Te Dhenat e 4-mujorit te pare te vitit 2016
Te Dhenat e 4-mujorit te dyte te vitit 2016
Te Dhenat e vitit 2016
Te Dhenat e vitit 2017
Te Dhenat e vitit 2018
Te Dhenat e 4-mujorit te pare te vitit 2019
Te Dhenat e 8-mujorit te vitit 2019
Te Dhenat e 12-mujorit te vitit 2019
Te dhenat e tregut dhe sistemit te energjise elektrike per publikim 4-mujori i pare 2020
Te dhenat e tregut te energjise per 8-mujorin e vitit 2020
Regulation on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management
20-12-2024 Consultings
Regulation on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management
Lexo më shumëMethodology for Assessing the Readiness of the Electricity Day-Ahead Market
16-12-2024 Consultings
Methodology for Assessing the Readiness of the Electricity Day-Ahead Market
Lexo më shumëPress Release dated 30.09.2022 -For all the household customers supplied by the Universal Service
13-12-2024 Press Releases
Press Release dated 30.09.2022 -For all the household customers supplied by the Universal Service
Lexo më shumëPress Release dated 27.10.2022 -For all the household customers supplied by the Universal Service (FSHU company)
13-12-2024 Press Releases
Press Release dated 27.10.2022 -For all the household customers supplied by the Universal Service (FSHU company)
Lexo më shumëThe meeting between the representatives of ERE, Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo (ZRRE) with the interested parties, to review the request of ALPEX company and TSO company “On approving the electricity market rules and the annulment of the trading rules
13-12-2024 Press Releases
The meeting between the representatives of ERE, Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo (ZRRE) with the interested parties, to review the request of ALPEX company and TSO company “On approving the...
Lexo më shumëThe 34th meeting of the General Assembly for Energy of the Mediterranean
13-12-2024 Press Releases
The 34th meeting of the General Assembly for Energy of the Mediterranean
Lexo më shumëPress release -Regulators approved the allocation of capacity for TAP expansion
13-12-2024 Press Releases
Press release -Regulators approved the allocation of capacity for TAP expansion
Lexo më shumëThe joint meeting between Albania – Kosovo Electricity Market Integration
13-12-2024 Press Releases
The joint meeting between Albania – Kosovo Electricity Market Integration
Lexo më shumëRole of Regional Organizations in promoting the current rules for the acceleration of energy transition focusing on the increase of security of supply
13-12-2024 Press Releases
Role of Regional Organizations in promoting the current rules for the acceleration of energy transition focusing on the increase of security of supply
Lexo më shumë